Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gone Girl (2014)


Before I watch the movie, I already heard a lot of great regarding this movie, but since I already read the book, I doubted it would be good. However, this movie is a genuinely surprise. It was one of the best movie adaption from book I had ever watched.

Maybe because the movie was screen played by Gillian Flynn, the writer of the book, the movie perfectly capture the intensity in the book. It is a story so genius that it left you questioning and wanting to know more. The deeper the story gets, the off guard you get when event reveals. This is definitely one of those long movie, with 149 minutes, but time flies when you watch it because of the enchanting plot.
Every time when I think about the story line, it just stung me more, The story demonstrate the power of the media. The social media played an important role in the journey of Amy and Nick. They can easily manipulate public's point of view. Media is a huge part of our life, we get all our information through the internet and TV. We can easily be fed some false information without knowing.

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Start of this blog

I started a tumblr blog a while ago posting thoughts on movies. Now I decided to start an actual blog so that I can better manage it and hopefully this will motivate me more. 

I named this blog 'A Little Movie Blog', but I will not only blog about movie I watched, but also TV shows. This is because I watch TV shows almost everything during meals and sometimes, I just want to find someone to share.

I am not a professional movie critics, I am just a regular person like you. The things I write here is just my thought, you might not share the same option. I just want to make use of this platform to talk about the things I like. Hope you enjoy reading this blog. :)