Friday, November 6, 2015

Man Up (2015)


Romantic Comedy can be a hit and miss sometime, the last few ones that I watched were not that good. After hearing some good things about Man Up, I decided to pick it up and I am glad that I did as it was a pleasant surprise.

This story follows Nancy, who was being mistook by Jack as his blind date and she decided to play alone and see what happen next. Story line of romantic comedy can be quite predictable, as they always seem to follow the same kinds of formula when it comes to the script. I think Man Up is among on of them but I quite like how the story played out, as it is a very modern and realistic story. The setting and the characters of the movie are very modern which a lot of people can relate to. This is one of the reasons why I connected with the characters very easily.

The creation of two very diverse characters in the movie is very successful. The contrast of the two lead characters creates such incredible chemistry between them making their interaction very fun to watch. Unlike other typical romantic movie, it is fun to see that in Man Up that the guy character is the emotional character while the female character is the rational one. I really like the scene where Jack was hurt and was hiding in the toilet, and then Nancy went and comforted him. This led to a deeper level of character development and let me know more about the characters. I really connected to the two characters in the movie as I found myself really care about what would happen to them next.

This movie is very causal and fun, there were a lot of times that I smiled to the scene and there were also some good laughs too. It is the kind of movie that is perfect for a night in.

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